Tags:Anushka Sharma to romance Shahid Kapoor again!,Shahid & Anushka work together Once again

Shahid Kapoor and Anushka Sharma had a crackling chemistry in the movie Badmaash Company, and now we hear that Band Baaja Baraat director Maneesh Sharma is keen to cast the jodi for his third film.
Director Maneesh Sharma has found his muse; after working with Anushka in BBB, he signed her again for Ladies V/s Ricky Bahl opposite Ranveer Singh, and is now planning to rope her in for his third film as well. Anushka, who is called the blue-eyed girl of Yashraj Films, was the natural choice for the role as she has delivered brilliant performances right from her first film. And Maneesh couldn’t think of anyone else than Shahid Kapoor, as he liked the actor in Mausam.
As a source tells a daily, “Their (Anushka-Shahid) on-screen chemistry was so convincing that many thought that it stemmed from an off-screen romance.” But isn’t Maneesh busy with Ladies V/s Ricky Bahl which is supposedly releasing coming December?
The smart aleck has already started working on his third venture and is simultaneously thinking how the movie will progress. The film is said to be scripted by Jaideep Sahni, who has earlier written scripts of three superhits - Chak De India, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and Bunty Aur Babli.
The movie will go on floors next year and Anushka and Shahid are reportedly adjusting their dares for it.

Shahid Kapoor and Anushka Sharma had a crackling chemistry in the movie Badmaash Company, and now we hear that Band Baaja Baraat director Maneesh Sharma is keen to cast the jodi for his third film.
Director Maneesh Sharma has found his muse; after working with Anushka in BBB, he signed her again for Ladies V/s Ricky Bahl opposite Ranveer Singh, and is now planning to rope her in for his third film as well. Anushka, who is called the blue-eyed girl of Yashraj Films, was the natural choice for the role as she has delivered brilliant performances right from her first film. And Maneesh couldn’t think of anyone else than Shahid Kapoor, as he liked the actor in Mausam.
As a source tells a daily, “Their (Anushka-Shahid) on-screen chemistry was so convincing that many thought that it stemmed from an off-screen romance.” But isn’t Maneesh busy with Ladies V/s Ricky Bahl which is supposedly releasing coming December?
The smart aleck has already started working on his third venture and is simultaneously thinking how the movie will progress. The film is said to be scripted by Jaideep Sahni, who has earlier written scripts of three superhits - Chak De India, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and Bunty Aur Babli.
The movie will go on floors next year and Anushka and Shahid are reportedly adjusting their dares for it.